SELF Empowerment 

– are you ready for positive changes?

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Burnout coach


a healing touch


Welcome to a space where you can discover the steps on your healing path from burnout. Here you find tools for burnout recovery on blog, free guide & more.

Are you longing for change in your life? This page is all about personal growth, healing & tuning in to & listening to your heart & dreams. Here you find inspiration to follow your own steps in life.   


Our new workbook is about creating clarity & HOPE for burnout recovery. If you’d like a copy, you can download it here to get inspiration and tools on your recovery journey! 

Recover from burnout

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Recover from burnout

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Recover from burnout

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Wellness blog

Hello and welcome

I´m Karolina

It was my own challenges & curiosity to become happier & increase my self esteem almost 20 years ago that kept me on the path of self growth. That journey plus going through burnout taught me that we can go through hard times, but also have the strenght to come out on the other side. No matter how dark it seems. And we are worthy living a life we love. 

I have always been a dreamer aiming for many things in life.  Today my passion is to ignite hope and to help you see possibilities. Because You matter, Your health matter, Your life matter & your dreams are meant to be brought alive.

Burnout coaching


Are you ready to go Beyond burnout?

I know for a fact it can be devastating, lonely and confusing going through burnout, but don´t let the fear of never coming back keep you from finding the HOPE, healing & possibilities you need for burnout recovery.

Somewhere in between doctors appointments and a gradually worsening health I knew something had to change if I would fully recover. After my burnout diagnosis I dedicated my self to learn everything i could about holistic healing.

Through my own healing journey, I discovered that burnout comes in many shapes and forms. 

I know in every cell of my being you can heal.
I walked the path & today I am here to help. You can start by reading burnout related blog articles & my own recovery journey. There is also a free e-book you can download.

Love Karolina




Karolina invites you to a space where you can discover the steps on your healing path and come out stronger than before.


Get started by downloading your free PDF guide on burnout recovery. 


For you who are longing for change and want´s to come closer to your dreams. This is a space to come closer to you. 

Inspiration letters

Sign up for the inspiration letters & receive a free gift in the first e-mail. After your receive letters about personal tranformation – including hope, healing, personal development, burnout recovery & dream manifestation.