Follow your dreams…

– Follow your inner guidance

massage healing treatment reiki relaxing stress



– Write your own recovery story

You’re not alone. I’ve been there too.
But there are ways out.
I promise you can go beyond your current situation and come out on the other side by looking at your situation holistically – it´s all interconnected and stress factors are one. But burnout can be complex.

I can show you how to look at your situation from different angles, manage stress, uncover hidden stressors, and find your spark, energy and joy again!


– Write your own recovery story

You’re not alone. I’ve been there too.
But there are ways out.
I promise you can go beyond your current situation and come out on the other side by looking at your situation holistically – it´s all interconnected and stress factors are one. But burnout can be complex.

I can show you how to look at your situation from different angles, manage stress, uncover hidden stressors, and find your spark, energy and joy again!

massage healing treatment reiki relaxing stress


– Write your own recovery story

You’re not alone. I’ve been there too.
But there are ways out.
I promise you can go beyond your current situation and come out on the other side by looking at your situation holistically – it´s all interconnected and stress factors are one. But burnout can be complex.

I can show you how to look at your situation from different angles, manage stress, uncover hidden stressors, and find your spark, energy and joy again!


Create Awareness about whats keeping you stuck

Burnout recovery is a journey of many aspects. Create awareness of your patterns & symptoms to better understand and plan your recovery journey. 


Create clarity & your unique recovery plan

We’ll get clear on what’s most important to you, why, and what you want to accomplish with your life and health with help from stress management coaching.



We will  management plan of action of how we’re going to help you find balance, and go from burned out, to beyond… and come out stronger than ever to find.

– Coming soon

Course are coming up. 

Meanwhile – download this free burnout recovery guide to get you started.

“ Karolina is incredibly good at what she does, she is passionate about helping others & wants to develop to increase the opportunity for it. She is genuine, professional & you feel safe with her. I really recommend others to try her services. What positive changes can it lead to for you? ”

/ Caroline

I’m so pleased! Karolina knows what I need without talking or analyzing. She gives a treatment for where I am right now. The  treatment helps the noise and indecisiveness inside tone down and disappear. It clicks and is corrected inside, supporting what the body already knows is best for me right now. Relaxed but alert and sharp. This is how I feel after her treatment”

/ Linnéa

– Coach & intuitive creator 

My wish is that you find something that brings you  HOPE, tools for healing burnout & inspiration & keys to bring you home to you & your dreams. Because you matter, your dreams matter, your healing matter and your life matters. Don´t let anyone tell you otherwise.”